7 Reasons why you should use an Email Marketing Service to send your Newsletters
Gone are the days that sending bulk email from Outlook is common practice. If you are a small business and sending frequent email updates to a growing email list it is best that you set up an account through one of the many email marketing services out there; such as, Constant Contact, MailChimp, iContact, Emma to name a few.
Designing good emails takes some practice and over the past couple years, email creation has been a key part of my business and something that has kept me very busy. Surprisingly, coding emails is very different from web design. Email programs such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and especially Outlook can all render an email differently. Not only that, email coding is a bit “old school” and precise. Archaic (in a technological timeline) methods such as utilizing embedded tables are best when creating emails and the coding must be precise because email programs are not as forgiving with mistakes as web browsers are.
But why all the tech talk you ask? Why should you care? You just want to send a nice looking email and not worry about coding it. I tell you this because knowing WHY you need to go through an email marketing service is important for many reasons.
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